Website Accessibility Guidelines
It is the goal of the Kingston City School District that the information contained in our website be accessible to all individuals, including those with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities. Our aim is to comply with current New York State standards on website accessibility. (New York State OFT Policy, P04-002, Accessibility of State Agency Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications).
To this end, we are in the process of revamping our site and modifying pages that are found to have accessibility issues. The majority of pages on our site are available in HTML format that can be deciphered by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format. To convert these documents to a more accessible format, please visit Adobe’s online PDF conversion web page.
If you are unable to access any page(s) on our site, please email our webmaster with the location of the page or document you were attempting to access and we will do our best to provide it to you in a better format. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may follow up with you.
If you are unable to access any page(s) in our site, please complete the form below. You may also notify us of the issue:
By phone: 845.943.3096
By email:
By mail: 175 Rte. 32N, New Paltz, NY 12561 attn: Webmaster
We will do our best to correct the issue or provide the information in a better format.
Report an Accessibility Issue