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Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The passage of the Dignity for All Students Act provides for extra safeguards against bullying. Each building has a DASA coordinator who can help students and parents address concerns specific to these issues.  The Board of Education is committed to providing an educational and working environment that promotes respect, dignity, and equality. The Board recognizes that harassment, hazing and bullying is detrimental to student learning and achievement. It interferes with the mission of the district to educate its students and disrupts the operation of the schools. Such behavior affects not only the students who are its targets but also those individuals who participate and witness such acts. This is part of Policy 5320 Bullying.

DASA Coordinators

To e-mail an employee, use the e-mail listed, followed by

Chambers Elementary School


Kate Berardi
Email: kberardi
Heidi Malenski
DASA Coordinator
Email: hmalenski

Edward R. Crosby Elementary School


Kathleen Sickles
Email: ksickles
Brianna Wojcio
DASA Coordinator
Email: bwojcio
Leanne Namis
DASA Coordinator
Email: lnamis

Ernest C. Myer Elementary School


Erin Nelson
Email: enelson
Lauren Covino
DASA Coordinator
Email: lcovino

George Washington Elementary School


Wanda LoBianco
Email: wlobianco
Georgia Lentzos
DASA Coordinator
Email: glentzos
Kimmer Gifford
DASA Coordinator
Email: kgifford 

Harry L. Edson Elementary School


Kathleen Lowell
Email: klowell
Paula Bugbee
DASA Coordinator

Email: pbugbee 

John F. Kennedy Elementary School


Melissa Jamieson
Email: mjamieson
Ron Kivel
DASA Coordinator

Email: rkivel  

Robert R. Graves Elementary School


Dr. Errin Parese

Email: eparese 

Jenna Binney
DASA Coordinator

Email: jbinney  

J. Watson Bailey Middle School


Debra Fitzgerald

Email: dfitzgerald

Kristen Diedhiou
DASA Coordinator

Email: kdiedhiou

M. Clifford Miller Middle School


Andrew Sheber

Email: asheber 

Linda Canavan
DASA Coordinator

Email: lcanavan 

Kingston High School


Dr. Rachael Scorca

Email: rscorca

Edith Schwimmer
DASA Coordinator

Email: eschwimmer 

Amy Kapes
DASA Coordinator

Email: akapes 

Guide for Addressing School Concerns

Parents place a great deal of trust in those responsible for the education and nurturing of their children. When issues arise at school, following the guidelines listed below will help to expedite the resolution of school-related concerns. These procedures are part of our Board of Education policies, 1400 Public Complaints and 1420 Concerns about Curriculum. 

There are additional regulations in place for our special education students. The Board of Education shall ensure that no student is discriminated against in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. Individuals protected by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are those individuals who: have a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities (e.g. caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working); have a record of such impairment; or are regarded as having such an impairment. 

Title VI/VII/IX Compliance Officers Mary Beth Bonville 
Richard Silverstein 

KCSD's 504 Compliance Officer
Paul J. Padalino 

  1. If an issue arises within your student’s classroom, the first step to take is to contact the person closest to the problem or concern, which is usually your child’s classroom teacher. 
  2. If the teacher is unable to resolve your concern, or if you do not feel comfortable speaking with the teacher, contact your child’s building principal. For concerns related to bullying, another option is to contact the school's DASA coordinator. 
  3. If the building principal is unable to resolve your concern, please call the Superintendent’s secretary Karen Seery at 845-943-3003 or via email. She will direct your call to the appropriate department, such as special education, curriculum, or transportation. 
  4. If the department is unable to resolve your concern, please contact Dr. Paul J. Padalino, Superintendent of Schools via email or by calling 845-943-3003. 
  5. If you feel the Superintendent is unable to appropriately address your concern, please reach out to the Board of Education. Board of Education Trustees are volunteers who are not compensated for their time. Our Board members serve the public with a desire to make their community and their schools the best they can be.  

Although we strive to resolve all concerns as quickly as possible, it may take time to provide you with answers. We appreciate your patience.