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Annual Professional Performance Review

Each year, all our principals and teachers are evaluated as part of New York State's mandated Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) process. This system includes multiple measures of effectiveness, results given in the form of a composite score, and an effectiveness rating  Parents and guardians may request the composite score and effectiveness rating of their child's teacher by contacting the building principal in writing. Parents/guardians may also request the principal's composite score and effectiveness rating by sending a written request to the Superintendent at the following address:

Kingston City School District
Dr. Paul Padalino, Superintendent
21 Wynkoop Place
Kingston, NY 12401

According to the New York State Education Department, Education Law §3012-d requires a performance evaluation system for teachers and principals. New York State has implemented a statewide comprehensive evaluation system for school districts and boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES).  The evaluation system is designed to measure teacher and principal effectiveness based on performance, including measures of student achievement and evidence of educator effectiveness in meeting New York State teacher or school leader standards.

Under this law, New York State will differentiate teacher and principal effectiveness using four rating categories – Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective. Education Law §3012-d(2)(a) requires annual professional performance reviews (APPRs) to result in a single composite teacher or principal effectiveness score, which incorporates multiple measures of effectiveness. The results of the evaluations shall be a significant factor in employment decisions, including but not limited to promotion, retention, tenure determination, termination, and supplemental compensation, as well as teacher and principal professional development (including coaching, induction support, and differentiated professional development).