Universal Pre-K Registration
Open Registration for UPK is in Progress!
For Four-Year-Olds: The application for four-year-olds (students who will be four years of age on or before December 1, 2025) is now available. See Packets and Forms click HERE.
For Three-Year-Olds: The application for three-year-olds (students who will be three years of age on or before December 1, 2025) is now available. See Packets and Forms click HERE.
2024-2025 UPK Spots AVAILABLE: Universal Pre-Kindergarten spots for 4-year-olds are available for the remainder of this school year at Kingston Catholic and Center for Creative Education (CCE) programs ONLY. Apply using this application and check the box for George Washington Montessori.
UPK Information
The Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program provides curriculum and activities five days per week with full-day and half-day programs, which are appropriate to the age-level and individual needs of eligible children and promote cognitive, linguistic, physical, cultural, emotional and social development. Activities are learner-centered and are designed and provided in a way that promotes the child’s total growth and development in all areas including emergent English literacy. Children are encouraged to be self-assured and independent.
Eligible children are those who reside within the school district and are 3 and 4 years of age on or before December 1 of the year in which he or she is enrolled, or who will otherwise be first eligible to enter public school Kindergarten commencing with the following school year.
Transportation is NOT provided and is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver.
2025-26 UPK Lottery
Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 25, 2025 to be admitted to the lottery. The Kingston City School District Universal PreK Lottery will be streamed live via our District YouTube Channel on Tuesday, April 29, 2025 at 10:00 AM. A lottery is held for any Universal Preschool Program that has more applications than slots available. The lottery is a requirement of New York State:
151-1.4 Program design (d) School districts must establish a process to select eligible children to receive universal prekindergarten services on a random selection basis where there are more eligible children than can be served in a given school year
Schools going to lottery for the 2025/26 school year:
If your chosen preschool is going to lottery, and you would like to know your child's number, please email Jill Barber at jbarber@kingstoncityschools.org.
UPK Registration Process
The number of available Pre-Kindergarten slots for the District is determined annually by the NYS Education Department (SED).
1. Complete the Universal Pre-K Application (ONLINE REGISTRATION, Download the full PDF application linked below, or pick up a copy from the District Central Administration Building or School Main Offices. Contact the Registration Office with any questions.)
2. Registration – appointments begin in the February prior to the school year of enrollment. The Registration Office schedules and conducts the registration.
3. Some or all schools may go to a lottery selection depending on the number of applications and it is used to fill slots at available sites. This lottery is held in May once SED has determined the number of slots.
Section 3602-e of Education Law defines an "eligible child" as a child who resides within the school district who is four-years of age on or before December 1st or otherwise eligible to attend kindergarten the following school year. A child who is age-eligible to attend kindergarten is not eligible for the UPK program.
Section 3602-e of Education Law requires that school districts must establish a process to select eligible children to receive universal prekindergarten services on a random selection basis where there are more eligible children than can be served in a given school year.
4. Acceptance letters are mailed after completion of the lottery; any student who is not selected in the lottery will be placed on a waiting list and a letter will be mailed to inform the parents.
5. After the initial lottery is held, students will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Open slots may become available throughout the year and will be filled from the waiting list.
Q) What if I have multiple children eligible for UPK (twins, triplets, etc.)
A) Each child requires their own individual registration and application. Each child will be entered into the lottery on an individual basis. Selection for the UPK program is exclusively based on the lottery process and the order in which student names are pulled. In order to keep the process fair and equitable for all children and families, please be advised that if you are a parent/guardian of multiple children eligible for UPK, there is a chance one child may be selected through the lottery process and another child not.
If you are interested in applying for your child, please complete an application and return it to:
Kingston City School District
Attn: Registration Office
21 Wynkoop Place
Kingston, NY 12401
(845) 943-3011