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Budget Information

2024-2025 Approved Budget

The Kingston City School District Board of Education proposed a $231,562,000 budget for the 2024-2025 school year, protecting all student programs, and coming in at the tax levy cap allowed by the New York State Tax Levy Limit calculation.

The School Budget Vote was held on May 21, 2024. We are pleased to announce that the school budget passed with a vote of 1,244 to 569.


contact us

To email an employee, use the
email listed, followed by

Sharifa Carbon
Assistant Superintendent for Business
Email: scarbon

Shakia Johnson
Purchasing Coordinator
Email: sjohnson2

Elena Rosado-Kozlowski
Treasurer/Tax Collector
Email: erosado-kozlowski

Daniel Quesnell
Deputy Treasurer/Deputy Tax Collector
Email: dquesnell

Accounts Payable Team
Email: ap

21 Wynkoop Place
Kingston, NY 12401