Committee Members:
- Marie Anderson - Chair
- Marc Rider
- Steven Spicer
In addition to studying the District facilities and making recommendations to the Board of Education for an ongoing Five Year Facilities Improvement Plan, the members of this committee will also monitor individual building maintenance concerns articulated by the principal and the head custodian of each facility.
This committee must request information about facility concerns in each building, must tour and inspect each building on an annual basis, and must monitor the completion of projects targeted to address those concerns.
Stake-holder groups should be represented on this committee and to that end, a diverse group of building principals, teachers, Board of Education members, parents, and business and community representatives will be appointed.
An organizational meeting was held October 17, 2012.
The original Master Plan Facilities Committee formed in 2008 to study the KCSD facilities and make recommendations to the Board of Education. An organizational meeting was held January 28, 2008. A description of their charge is posted on the district website.
Last year, some representatives of the Master Plan Facilities Committee joined the Visitation Committee, representatives from KSQ and BBL, and district administrators and custodial staff to tour each district facility and report back to the Board of Education.
Building Inspection Reports are now available on the Kingston City School district website under Board of Education.
Master Plan Facilities Committee
The Kingston City School District developed a Master Plan Facilities Committee to study the district’s facilities and make recommendations to the Board of Education for a Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.
Stake-holder groups to made nominations to the committee. Based on these recommendations, a diverse group of district administrators, building principals and teachers, Board of Education members, parents, business, and community representatives was appointed.
An organization meeting was held on January 28, 2008.
NOTE: The Master Plan Facilities Committee will merge with the Visitation Committee, a committee required by law, and, as such, will become a standing committee.
NOTE: At the September 10, 2014 meeting, the committee voted unanimously to rename the committee the "Facilities Committee."